$25,000 Now Available for 10-year Deferred Loan/Grant. No owner’s match required.

The Cities of Goodhue and Dennison have funding available for owner occupied rehab. Eligible households must:

  • Live within the city limits of Goodhue or Dennison.
  • Property is suitable for rehab.
  • Homeowner’s property taxes and insurance are current.
  • Property is a permanent structure.
  • Homeowner does not have any outstanding judgments.
  • Homeowner’s income must be at or below established guidelines
Income Guidelines (2024)
Family Size 80% AMI
1 $59,750
2 $68,300
3 $76,850
4 $85,350
5 $92,200
6 $99,050
7 $105,850
8 $112,700

The financial assistance will be in the form of a deferred loan.  The amount of the deferred loan will vary on a case-by-case basis.  The deferred loans are secured with a Repayment Agreement. If the property is sold, title is transferred or is no longer the primary residence of the participant:

  • Within the first 6 yrs., the full amount must be repaid to the HRA
  • The amount of repayment is reduced 20% for each year until the end of the 10th year.
  • At the end of the 10th year, the loan is forgiven and becomes a 100 percent grant.
Financial Assistance
Income based on AMI % Property Owner Match % Deferred Loan Max. Deferred Loan Amount
0-80% AMI 0% 100% $25,000

To apply for the Goodhue and Dennison Housing Rehab Program, please click on the link in the sidebar.

Housing Rehab Contacts:

134 East Second Street
Wabasha, MN 55981

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